Annual Awards Dinner
We live in times where gross darkness is covering the earth but God is still on the move! He is the ultimate Waymaker! At our annual Waymakers Dinner, we are excited to honor people who are doing great and mighty things in the Kingdom. They are making a way out of no way in their own way. In our awards ceremony, we recognize and celebrate individuals, families, companies, and ministries that embody our mission to make a way of out no way for the marginalized, hopeless, and forgotten; making the impossible, possible both domestically and internationally. Join us and be inspired to make a way for someone today!
Laugh For Life Fundraiser
A merry heart worketh good like a medicine. Join us in May for some medicine for the soul at our annual Laugh4Life Comedy Show complete with special guests and refreshments, while contributing to our Waymakers projects. You won’t want to miss this family affair! Can’t wait to get your laugh on? It’s never too early to make sure your face is in the place. Register, today!
Annual 5K Walk
Join us in July for our family fun Run4Life 5K. This event is for the serious runners as well as walkers that enjoy an afternoon stroll for a good cause. We run/walk whether rain or shine and raise funds and awareness about the conditions in Ghana, Africa. Water is provided, prizes are awarded and fun is had by all. Form your team and sign up, today!
Seasonal Moriah's Purse
They will know we are Christians by our love and the earlier our children learn this principle, the better. Get your child involved in our youth giving initiative inspired by Moriah Montgomery, who, at age ten, started her own giving campaign without help from her older sisters or parents in an effort to improve the conditions of the impoverished children of Ghana, Africa. Individuals and youth groups are encouraged to take part in this wonderful experience for children ages 5-18 and young adults 19-29 (parents are welcome to begin missions giving on behalf of their toddlers and infants). Pledges start at $5 to raise funds to benefit the missions work of The Waymakers, Inc. Teach your child the blessing of giving to those that are less fortunate, today!